Saturday, August 14, 2010

Well the first posts are the hardest posts...

One week from today and I will be reaping the harvest that I have been sowing for some time now. While no deliberate or concrete steps had been taken toward this end until recently, the idea was planted long ago. But I am hardly unique - who hasn't contemplated a similar course? I'm only lucky in that I have the means to partake such a journey and the good (poor?) sense to recognize and seize such opportunity.

Regardless, the past few months I have been acquiring things to aid me on the journey (new bike! equipment! pictures to come...) and attempting to lose things that would hinder me (jobs! leases!). In the coming weeks I'll be doing my best to sell all of my frivolous worldly possessions and/or burdening close friends with them. So... if you're nearby and want any of my crap, let me know!

Also in the coming weeks I will be taking a brief foray from the hospitality of Boston to do a sort of test run of all my gear. I've been playing around with google maps, and this is a rough idea of where I'll be going:

View Larger Map

Of course the route is tentative - I am very receptive to recommendations and will absolutely detour if it means a free meal and/or shower. Plus, more often than not I expect I'll be on different roads than are indicated on this map. I might try to post single-day maps for the first few days? But for the most part I'm hoping to play it by ear.

When I return, assuming living off a bicycle is every bit as romantic and wonderful as it seems while sitting behind a computer, I intend to leave Boston more permanently and embark on a longer and less well-planned (if that's possible) trip. So if I call, even though you know I'm just begging for a couch (yard space to set up camp!) and maybe even some food, please return my messages. And if you want me to visit, call me and I'll try to make it to you eventually! (West Coasters and Northerners might have to wait a minute, I think I'm heading south for the winter)

I'll do my best to keep this updated - do your part and leave lots of comments.


  1. Je vais tenter de commenter souvent! Si je obtenir un emploi dans la partie ouest des États-Unis, vous devriez visiter. J'ai utilisé Google Translate pour cela, alors ce n'est probablement pas grammaticalement correct.

  2. 2 things:

    1. Stayed at this campsite and it was really nice (and on the route):

    2. Drove here (a little bit off your route) and it was very pretty:,+ME
